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Saint Joseph School Library

Library Mission Statement:

The mission of the library program is to foster a life-long love of reading and to ensure that students and staff are effective users of ideas and information. This mission is accomplished:

  • By providing intellectual and physical access to materials in all formats
  • By providing instruction to foster competence and stimulate interest in reading, and using information and ideas
  • By collaborating with classroom teachers to design learning strategies to meet students' needs


  • Over 16,000 books, audiobooks, and educational DVDs
  • Internet-connected student computers

Borrowing Privileges:

Students may borrow one book per student, unless there is a school project.  Students may visit the library before school for book exchanges.  The library does not charge for overdue books. Students are responsible for the cost of lost or damaged books.


School days 8:00am – 2:40pm


The Library provides all members of the school community access to information, reading, and research assistance.  The Library also provides instruction that implements, enriches, and supports the curriculum and educational goals of Saint Joseph School.  The Library program encourages literacy and literature appreciation by extending and enhancing classroom experiences, and we support reading for personal satisfaction by providing a wide variety of fiction and non-fiction materials intended to engage readers of all ages.

Donating to the Library -- Frequently Asked Questions

The excellence of our library is due in large part to the generosity of our parent and parish communities.  Donations made directly to the library through our Birthday Book program or by purchasing new or used titles at our annual Book Fair (held each year in late May/early June), allow us to keep our library full of stimulating books for all age levels.  Please refer to the calendar for more information and the specific dates for this year's Book Fair.

May I suggest a title?
If you would like to suggest a title for our library, email our librarian, Mary Ann Brady.

What is the Birthday Book program? 
The Birthday Book Program is one of the library's main fundraisers, supplying a large portion of our library budget. Families can donate a book to the library as part of a child's birthday celebration!  When families make a donation in celebration of their student's birthday, the students are able to pick a new book from the “Birthday Book Cart”.  We will place a bookplate with the child's name on the front of the book, and the child will be able to check the book first before it is circulated in our library as a new title.  Books may also be given on holidays, in honor of a teacher, relative, friend, or in memoriam.

Is it only for birthdays? 
No, we love to receive books given at holidays, in honor of a teacher, relative, friend, or in memoriam.

What if I want to dedicate my donation? 
If you are donating a book in honor of a child's birthday, as a teacher present, or as a remembrance of someone special, the library staff will happily note that on a book plate, and acknowledge your gift to the honoree.

May I just bring in a copy of the book instead? 
Yes, but when the books are chosen from our pre-ordered selection, they are already cataloged, processed, and shelf-ready, so that they get into the students' hands much more quickly.

May I donate anonymously? 

May I send a donation and let the librarians pick the books? 
We'd be thrilled!

May I donate to purchase other library materials? 
Yes, we are always seeking to expand our audiobooks and e-book collections as well!

Do you accept matching gifts? 
Definitely! The "gifts that give twice" are a real bonus for our school and our library!  Many employers who will not match donations to a religious charity, WILL match donations to a school library.

Do you accept used books? 
We do accept "like new" books, particularly if they are hardcover (and with a recent copyright if they are non-fiction).  Any books that we are not able to use in the library collection, we offer to classroom teachers or save to sell at our annual book fair in the spring.

Are there any other fundraisers for the Library? 
Yes, we hold our annual Book Fair in late spring, which includes new and used books. The library receives approximately 20% of the revenue to purchase new library materials.

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