Monday, August 26th - New Parent Welcome Reception
Sunday, September 8th - Parish & School Family Mass and Picnic
Friday, October 4th - Community Coffee (8am) & All School Mass (9am)
Friday, October 4th - Street Hockey Tournament
Thursday, October 17th - Fun Run
Friday, October 18th - Fun Run
Friday, October 18th - Blue Ribbon Family Celebration
Friday, October 25th - Trunk-Or-Treat
Friday, October 25th - Upper School Monster Mash
Monday, October 28th - Grade 5 Pumpkin Decorating Contest Begins
Thursday, October 31st - Early Childhood School Halloween Parade, 8:30am
Thursday, October 31st - Grades K-1 Halloween Parade, 9:00am
Tuesday, October 31st - Classroom Halloween Parties (orange & black tag day)
Friday, November 1st - Grade 2 Saints Parade
Tuesday, December 3rd - Giving Tuesday
Sunday, December 8th - Gingerbread House Decorating
Wednesday, December 11th - Grades 1-4 Christmas Choral Concert
Friday, December 13th - Kindergarten Nativity
Monday, December 16th - Christmas Door Decorating Contest Begins (Grades 5-8)
Tuesday December 17th - Santa's Workshop (Early Childhood School)
Wednesday, December 18th - Santa's Workshop
Wednesday, December 18th - Christmas PJ Day
Thursday, December 19th - Upper School Christmas Breakfast
Friday, December 20th - Upper School Live Nativity
Friday, January 24th - Family Bingo Night
Sunday, January 26th - Catholic Schools Week (CSW) Begins, Family Mass 9:30am
Tuesday, January 28th - Teacher Appreciation Day & Luncheon (CSW)
Tuesday, January 30th - Half-Day Community Events (CSW)
Friday, January 31st - Family Hockey Outing
Friday, February 14th - Valentine's Day Classroom Parties (red, pink & white tag day)
Wednesday, March 19th - St. Joseph's Feast Day
Saturday, March 29th - SJS Gala & Auction
Friday, April 4th - Community Coffee (8am) & All School Mass (9am)
Thursday, April 17th - Upper School Stations of the Cross
Friday, May 2nd - Grandparents/Grandfriends Day (Half Day)
Thursday, May 8th - Art Show & STREAM Night
Friday, May 9th - Kindergarten Mother's Day Cafe
Friday, May 9th - Mother/Special Person - Son Event
Friday, May 16th - Father/Special Person - Daughter Event
Monday, June 9th - Field Day
Wednesday, June 11th - End of Year Party
Should you have questions about a particular event, please contact the PSA chairs, Azi Griffin and Katie Segien at