Saint Joseph School Non-Discrimination Policy
Saint Joseph School School is committed to creating an environment in which all members of the school community interact on the basis of mutual respect and the highest standards of decency, civility, and personal integrity. Thus, the School is committed to being a welcoming institution for all and, therefore, free of harassment, including harassment based on factors such as race, color, religion, national origin, ancestry, medical condition, sexual orientation, or physical disability. The School strongly disapproves of and will not tolerate harassment of students by administrators, faculty, staff, or other students. The School will also attempt to protect students from harassment by nonemployees and nonstudents at the School. Harassment includes verbal, physical, and visual conduct that creates an intimidating, offensive, or hostile environment or that interferes with daily school activities. Some examples include racial slurs; ethnic jokes; in person or social media postings of offensive statements, posters, or cartoons; or other similar conduct. Sexual harassment includes solicitation of sexual favors; unwelcome sexual advances; other verbal, visual, or physical conduct of a sexual nature; or derogatory comments regarding sexual orientation or slurs of a sexual nature.
Any member of the Saint Joseph School community who believes he or she has been the subject of school related discrimination, harassment, exploitation or sexual misconduct should report the alleged act immediately to a teacher and a school administrator. All allegations will be investigated. Any member of the school community found by the School, after appropriate investigation, to have been in violation of our school policy against discrimination, harassment, exploitation or sexual misconduct is subject to disciplinary action. Depending on circumstances, this action may include suspension, dismissal of a student, or termination of a family contract, if school family. All are reminded that malicious accusations have serious consequences when directed at an innocent person.
In raising an issue of concern, students and parents should exercise care to ensure the accuracy of the information disclosed. Intentional false reports or bad faith reports of violations, especially regarding the Policies on Safe Haven, refusal to cooperate during an investigation or failing to provide accurate, truthful and complete information during an investigation may be grounds for disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal (if student) and legal action, including termination of contract (if a parent).