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Student Handbooks

The Student Handbooks have been compiled to meet the needs of the school for a summary of directives. The material presented includes our mission and values, policies and procedures, logistical details, and other pertinent information.
We hope that many issues may be resolved by referring to the accepted policies indicated in this handbook. Students and parents are expected to adhere to all written policies.
Parents and guardians are asked to review the contents of the handbook and annually sign an acknowledgment that they agree to adhere to the policies and regulations as defined in the handbook.
An Additional handbook has been compiled to address the needs specific to our early childhood program. Children and parents are expected to adhere to the rules and regulations outlined in the handbooks.
Please also refer to our Bullying Prevention and Intervention Plan:

Bullying and Intervention Plan
Bullying Incident Report Form

SJS Parent-Student Handbook

Early Childhood School Building Handbook

2024 Blue Ribbon