Students are expected to be clean, neat, well groomed, and to dress in good taste that is not distracting to others and that conforms to the uniform rules listed below. Additionally, our expectation is that your child is in proper dress from the moment that he or she steps onto campus each morning.
• Uniforms should be clean, tidy and wrinkle free.
• Fingernails should be kept short and clean. Only clear/natural fingernail polish is permitted.
• Girls’ makeup should be conservative and not stand out (Upper School students).
• Hair is to be kept neat and well groomed. Natural colors permitted only.
• Boys’ hair may not extend beyond the top of the shirt collar or eyebrows.
• Students are expected to be in complete uniform from the time they arrive on campus until they leave the campus, unless involved in a supervised activity for which other attire has been approved, such as a field trip.
• Non-uniform coats and jackets are to be worn outside only.
• Hats or baseball caps may be worn outside only and must be worn correctly (bill of cap forward).
• Students are not to deface their own or anyone else’s clothing in any way, such as marking or attaching things.
GIRLS, K-GRADE 8: Girls may wear a navy emblem polo shirt with the plaid skort/skirt or khaki shorts/pants, throughout the year, with solid white ankle socks, or navy knee socks or tights. Socks must be white, black, gray, or navy. Plaid jumpers with a navy emblem polo may also be worn. Saint Joseph School sweaters, sweatshirts, and fleece are permitted year-round as outerwear over the regulation uniform. Sneakers or any flat, closed-toe footwear that covers the foot may be worn. Boots, such as Uggs or Timberlands, may be worn to school, but not during the school day. Girls’ hemlines should be no shorter than 2 inches above the knee.
BOYS, K-GRADE 8: Boys may wear a navy emblem polo shirt with khaki shorts/pants. Socks must be white, black, gray, or navy. Saint Joseph School sweaters, sweatshirts, and fleece are permitted year-round as outerwear over the regulation uniform. Sneakers or any flat, closed-toe footwear that covers the foot may be worn. Boots, such as Uggs or Timberlands, may be worn to school, but not during the school day.
GYM UNIFORMS (Girls and Boys, K-Grade 8): Regulation gym uniforms will be worn by all students in grades K-8 in place of regular school uniforms on gym day. These consist of navy-blue shorts with school emblem or navy blue sweatpants with school emblem, a Saint Joseph School light gray tee shirt with school emblem, and socks and sneakers. Saint Joseph School sweaters, sweatshirts, and fleece are permitted year-round as outerwear over the regulation gym uniform. Girls’ hemlines should be no shorter than 2 inches above the knee.
LITTLE SHARKS (2.9), PRESCHOOL & PRE-K: Little Sharks (2.9), Pre-School and Pre-K uniforms are the same daily. It is the “gym uniform for K-Grade 8” as noted above. Daily, students in Little Sharks (2.9), Pre-School and Pre-K should wear: Navy blue shorts (sweat or nylon) with school emblem or navy pants (sweatpants) with school emblem, light gray shirt (short or long sleeve) with school emblem, and socks and sneakers. Saint Joseph School sweaters, sweatshirts, and fleece are permitted year-round as outerwear over the regulation uniform.
General Notes:
• Any staff member may ask a student to remove or replace any articles of clothing or accessories that do not comply with the uniform guidelines. Students will be asked to remove hooded sweatshirts during mass.
• Sneakers (girls and boys) may be worn all year.
• Uniforms must be ordered from Land's End and have the logo “screened” or “sewn” on.
• You may not add your own logo to the gym clothes.
• Uniforms may be purchased through Lands' End at LandsEnd.com. Our unique school code: 900054420.
Uniform Accessories
Accessories for boys and girls should not detract from the learning environment.
Boys: One watch that is small and unobtrusive, one small cross or religious medal necklace on a chain. No beaded necklaces are permitted.
Girls: One watch that is small and unobtrusive, one pair of stud earrings that do not extend beyond the earlobe (no hoops or multiple earrings) and/or a small cross or religious medal necklace on a chain. No beaded necklaces are permitted.
For the safety of your child (and for loss prevention), other jewelry is not permitted. This includes necklaces (other than the above-mentioned type), rings, bracelets and anklets. Watches that do not receive notifications or texts are permitted. Smart watches may not be connected to the Internet during school hours.
Dress Down “Tag Day” Guidelines
For non-uniform days, students are to dress neatly, modestly, and appropriately. Specific guidelines are issued for these days and include the following:
• Shorts/skirts should be loose fitting with an attached underlayer (such as a Nike short) and be of approximate fingertip length.
• Jeans may be permitted, if not torn or frayed.
• Any athletic, closed-toe shoes should be worn. No sandals, flip-flops, slide shoes, platforms, or heels greater than one inch are permitted.
• No shirts with offensive words or pictures or commercial advertising of any kind.
• No spaghetti straps or sleeveless shirts permitted.
• No leggings or yoga pants are permitted without an appropriate length top that covers both front and back
Please ensure that your child is appropriately attired on these days. Any student (K–8) deemed to be improperly attired will be asked to call a parent to bring a uniform. Upper School students may also be assigned detention. A second violation will result in the loss of these dress privileges in the future. Continued violations will result in a conference with the Dean of Student Life.
School Store
Any items purchased through the School Store may be worn with and according to the stated uniform guidelines, if the item has the school crest/emblem. For example, any school store sweatshirt with the crest/emblem may be worn as an outer layer over the above-mentioned polo, or jumper, uniform. The tie-dye t-shirt can only be worn on tag days as it does not follow the gym uniform guidelines stated above (SJS light gray t-shirt with school emblem and/or navy sweatshirt with school emblem).